19 best mobile UI kit template. User Interface (UI) templates also named UI Kits are created in design software like Sketch or Photoshop. They are made from buttons and navigation and typically include core elements. Icons, typography, colors, and sometimes complex UI patterns like grids, cards, and navigation made it gorgeous. They are used to create mockups or prototypes of product solutions.
Before you start, select the great mobile UI kit template. We pick 19 best mobile UI kit template.
1. Fitness App
Mobile UI kit Fitness App is not only to navigate. It is also to engage users. It is not only about how the products appear but also how it is used. Including 20 screens with 80+ elements, users would select their desire comfortably.
Having this template would help users get their achievement of their workout. Even they did exercise in the office, they keep easily access their last work. Reaching the goals seems not difficult.
2. Messaging App
Messaging app is popular and in high competition. Do not worry because our Mobile App UI kits template is in high quality design. You could add more elements, so it is based on your desire.
It is in visual attraction which influence users emotion and feel. Try to have the fast speed of chatting. Do not give up and allow your competitors to talk about this Ui kits.
3. Finance App
It is time to make your business practical. Having Finance App would help you doing transaction. The key point of mobile application is its fast response. Beside it has to look impressive, the speed would be the one to concern.
This premium pack comforts users with more screens. The high quality features explore financial desire of each users. Whether they only need information related financial, they may learn it here.
4. Smart Home App
The good UI Design would help the brand to gain popularity. The better one should improve brand reputation. This ui kits mobile template will help you to improve your smart home service. Users will need less effort to reach and engage to your company.
in this 4.0 era, this practical effort becomes necessary while people always need something fast. Get the free icons in this template and make them functional to attract users and help them in simple navigation.
5. Wallet 2
If you need less screens and more elements, grab this template. Since digital transaction and virtual money are wordly shared through the world, this app would be people need. You will get free font And you may change the color easily.
What you need to engage users is having a clarity mobile app. If users do not need to use manual feature, it means the design is great. It is already clear for users.
6. Cinema App
Watching movie from mobile is a new habit now. Make sure to give users a beautiful experience when they use your app to watch. Remember that the good UI design is responsive. Therefore, it has to work fast and based on users ask.
Start to have the dark color in it just like what Cinema would do before the movie play. It is time to you to move a cinema to a hand.
7. Brief Travel App
It is available on Adobe Photoshop, Adobe XD, and Sketch. You could make something awesome only by having this app. People around the world could reach your business. Remember to make it familiar. Use the clear navigation, symbols, and icons, so users will not get confuse on it. Even if you want to make a trial first, it is good to do.
8. Bus Tracker App
Say goodbye to miss the bus. You will not have this annoying scene anymore. As long you could make an attractive design of app, users would be loyal to your company. Everyone could get the bus route wherever they are only by opening the app.
To catch simple app, try to use icons but make it familiar. You also need to keep consistency of your app. Note this, your app may gain much traffic and you should know how to anticipate it.
9. Bank Finance App
Mobile app is used to save time and efforts. Users wish they could make everything fast by using application. Even it is about transaction, payment, and everything. Wire transfer would be simpler without you have to go to the bank. You do not have to see the long queue in front of Automatic Teller Machine.
Give the best customer service online from this app. Therefore, you wil not loss many users, especially because money is a sensitive thing to discuss. Make sure your clients feel safe after they use your app.
10. Music App
Before you make an app, you should know who will be your users. If it is young persons, make their ages group. Therefore, you will be easy to categorize menu in your app. Make it readable or easy to understand. About music, even users should pay for it, they will do it since they love to use your music app. Make the payment process fast and simple.
11. Rent Car App
Selling something on app should include something detail, especially about the feature. Collect the data, insert only good images, and set the price. You cannot skip the term and condition statement too in the next slide of app. Insert customers testimonials to gain more trust.
It should suitable in Android and iOS. Avoid performance lag because users would give you lower mark for it. It is too fatal.
12. Wallet App
Talking to money is always sensitive. Everything should be clear and transparent. In wallet mobile app, you need to use simple design which suits to any ages. There should be no more complicated navigation or menu.
There is no need gradient background or more than a color content. Highlight menu and make sure to keep users data safe.
13. Doctor App
in pandemic era, having online consultation is better than going to the hospital directly. Doctor app helps patients in mild symptoms of disease to get fast response, so they could anticipate the worst symptoms.
What to give in this app is a fast response and fast connection to the doctor. The app is not only about healthy consulting online, but also about doctor suggestions about health. Therefore, it should has a blog space. Preparing doctors profile is important, so users would notice if this app is legal.
14.Room Booking App
Containing more images than explanation or chat room, this app should describe the features of hotels or room. The most important thing that users want to know is pricr. The direction to go there, the amenities, and everything related to it. You kay use common icon to help people know about the information they need. The icon of bed to know the single or double and twin type of the room, the icon of meal and plate to know whether they could get breakfast or not, wifi icon to note there is wifi or no, and more.
Once the room has booked, users need information on payment. Theredore, this app need a link to another app like financial app or similar app to payment. The good service like online chatting is necessary including F&A menu. Most of the app need users to purchase something. There must be a way to link to another app because they support each other.
15. Bookstore App
Get the better experience to buy books using this app. You should notice if images and information about the books become important to write. Write interesting synopsis and give the easy navigation for users. They need to know the genre of the books, so it is better to group them based on its genre and year. In addition, provide customers the easy way to make a transaction. You can do it well. Make it attractive by use the nice font, great design graphic and more.
The great color tone would build a nice impression about your app. Therefore, it is important for you to choose. Give information about the amount of the books that sold could make users curious to the book. on the other hand, to increase the traffic of your app, give users some free books to read online. Happy trying to you!
16. Crypto App
We call about money and it is sensitive. We talk about investation, it is also something sensitive. Therefore, you should know how to anticipate the data loss from users. Giving the great security and protection for users is a must thing you have to do. This app contain with dark background. As you know it is to anticipate someone to cheat or trying to hack. Use the icons that only can be understanding by users. Therefore, the impression of your business would raise. Since cryptocurrency is something that only few people notice, it is nice to keep some secrets icons and information only for users.
17. House Rent
When it comes to rent something, users or someone who want to rent should know the feature and the detail of the items they want to rent. Therefore, it is better for you to help them by giving the information they might need. Put the high resolution image on this app. it is important for everyone. However, make sure that is the real picture or users would blame you. including the facilities they could get, you need to communicate to someone who lend the room about it. Make sure you will not lie. Once you did that, they would give bad testimony for your app.
18. Dating App
Something that is not easy to deal is dating app. It has a complicated system that could help participants to chat to others and the feature to know their match level. If you notice the regular dating app, sometimes it cheats participants. Yes, they feel they get trapped because they mate is not suit to them at all. Well, if you want to have a nice review about your app, it is better to put love games in this application. It helps you to know the match of each participant to be mate. In addition, their photos should be available in this app. Therefore, everyone has a chance to select the best only although physical is not guarantee for anything.
19. property App
Selling and buying property is not as easy as a piece of cake. You should know how to put the great images on app, the story telling which influence users decision, and more. When it comes only by images, no one could interest. Therefore, there should be an explanation about the reason why the property in that street is something users should have. The reason can be because it is closed to hospitals, minimarts, and public places. You can arrange it into good words. In addition, do not skip the way to help them estimate time. You can use the word ;it is only take 5 minutes to go to the hospital A. More and more things should be concerned well. The contact information has to be clear. Make the group of the properties like two floors, apartments, studios, and more. It helps users to find what they really need and compare the price.
People always love a warranty. Therefore, you need to prepare it for users. To get more traffics of users, you should give information that you need to update every day. It could be tips and tricks, games, and count down of extra discount. What do you have to concern more?
UI Creative is here to help you find the nice and suit mobile ui kit. Decide what you need and your users target. We have plenty options for you. Sure, we give you warranty when the file is broken. It is time to start working everywhere. Let customers become loyal customers. Let your brand becomes popular. Get the great impression from users and huge profits in the future. This is your passive income. By creating an app, you are ready to be money maker. If you need another element for your website and app, contact us!