10 Tips To Increase Your Sales Effectively With Brochures : Brochure Design Template
in Marketing on May 1, 2023Brochure Design Template probably would be a tricky way to boost your sales. What you need to do is notice the way to make an attractive brochure. You do not have to be professional. Here are what you need to consider.
1. Select The Most Suitable Brochure Design Template for Your Brand
![Brochure Design Template](https://uicreative.s3.ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/02093118/tf_preview_18.jpg)
Do you know that brochures are an excellent tool that you can use to engage and educate potential customers? They are also the item to promote your business. Brochures not only contain comprehensive information about your products and services, but they are easy to be reached people since they are distributed in strategic locations.
To get an effective brochure design, you need to consider a few things to make a lasting impression on targeted customers. Therefore, the first important thing to consider is to select the most suitable one for your brand. It means you should know your brand deeply. I mean, if your brand is a service for children, so put some funny characters in it. Even if your target would be their parents.
At least you build it up with some relevant information in the parent’s language. Only the template and design in it could be for children. Therefore, you need to have an established brand identity and sure, the brand personality to create a cohesive design for all your branding and marketing materials. It is included in your brochure.
2. Knowing The Targeted Audience
![Brochure Design Template](https://uicreative.s3.ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/01011018/auto-draft-3.jpg)
After you find an appropriate brochure design template, it is time to target and make a group of your audience. Different audiences respond to different designs and it is a keynote. So you have to make it clear whom you’re designing for in order to not make wrong design choices. In addition, you are able to choose the right language for your audiences. Do not use formal language for teenagers, and so do children and young adults. Semi-formal with casual font would be better for young adults, and so on.
3. Identify the Message
![Brochure Design Template](https://uicreative.s3.ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/29061042/brochure-company-brochure-7-14.jpg)
How to communicate to your customers by brochure is simple. All you need to do is imagine how you speak to them. Therefore, support your message with related images. Make sure the place for images are enough and simple to make the messages still readable.
4. Set The Goal Of The Brochures
![Brochure Design Template](https://uicreative.s3.ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/29061117/brochure-company-brochure-7-16.jpg)
Determine what you want to achieve with your brochure. It is necessary to formulate the right strategy. If your goal is to increase brand awareness, it is better to put testimonials in your brochure. Include coupons or vouchers to attract customers if you want to boost your sales. So, make sure the goal is there. Make it straight to the point. You do not have to waste paper telling the story of your company. It seems like you do not get what you want in it. Maybe if it is to attract them to visit your store, it is possible.
5. Focus On The Visual Interest
![Brochure Design Template](https://uicreative.s3.ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/22052510/trifold-brochure-special-sweet-cake.jpg)
Imagine when you get a brochure in the street. You would see it at a glance and what makes you finally save it and read it later? Its appearance! Most people would have the same thought, I think. Brochures are content-heavy with so many design elements to consider. You’ll need to choose shapes, lines, textures, color schemes, and other visual elements that help you present information in an interesting way. On the other hand, make sure that they are also consistent with your overall branding. It is really thought.
6. Relevant Images and Graphic Must Be In Your Brochure
![Brochure Design Template](https://uicreative.s3.ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/23162144/image_preview12.jpg)
What do you think if you get a brochure to introduce the new pizza menu but the picture of it is shoes? Or the background and another element inside it is full of circles? You will focus on the information about the new pizza menu or on the circle. When you’re designing your brochure, try to use visuals that people will actually care about. Make people engage well with your brand and find anything that makes them excited.
7. It is All About Content
![Brochure Design Template](https://uicreative.s3.ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/23162056/trifold-brochure-minimalism-interior.jpg)
The content is the message. However, the content must be completed with the headline and call to action. Make some parts of them and make sure you divide them. Your headline acts as bait that draws your target audience in, and your call to action is where you lead them to conversions.
The headline should be interesting and simple, but easy to understand. For example, you want to tell everyone that your store has an end-year sale. Make sure it is on your headline. Focus on customer benefits and make sure it is readable. usually, the headline would be bigger in its size than the content. The bold font will be very helpful. A creative design template means you can make something unusual and attractive. Even if you do not use any images, a brochure can be very attractive as long as you know how to communicate with customers interestingly.
8. Readability is a Must
![Brochure Design Template](https://uicreative.s3.ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/23073049/trifold-brochure-bakery-house.jpg)
What would happen if your brochure cannot be read? The message cannot be delivered well. In addition, it will end up in the trash. So, make sure the font size is readable in the right font type and the color of it contrasts with the background. The number 1 rule in any type of design is not to make it difficult for people to read the content. Whether you’re using bold colors or contrasting colors, it should be managed well to the background.
Keep each fold or page of your brochure from being overcrowded. Breaking up text blocks using headings, subheadings, and white space. Sans serif fonts are a popular and widely used typeface for brochures. you do not have to use more than three font types in a brochure. It is just to make a reader gets dizzy.
9. Choose the Right Layout
![Brochure Design Template](https://uicreative.s3.ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/23161729/square-trifold-chair-design.jpg)
Making a brochure seems complicated. Yes, it is true. Especially if you want to decide on the layout. There are three types of layouts you may find and use. However, the way you organize it into something well is challenging. I mean you have to check the space between a paragraph. You also have to check the empty space in it. What would you like to do with that? Would you fill it with images? So, here are the layouts in the brochure you may choose:
a. Trifold
Letter fold or tri-fold brochures are one of the most versatile. It is commonly used in brochure folds. In a tri-fold brochure, the paper is folded neatly in two places and divided into three. This type of layout is perfect for creating restaurant menus, travel guides, product catalogs, or corporate brochures. Any business that needs more space is welcome to use this type of layout.
b. Open Gate Fold
This type of brochure has a middle panel concealed by two shorter panels. Two of them meet at the center to imitate a double door opening. If you want an eye-catching brochure that leads up to a big reveal, choose this one. Most of the corporate use this layout because it is simpler than others.
c. Bi-Fold
Bi-fold or half-fold brochures are the most basic type of brochure. They have wider panels. If you want to look more professional, choose this one. It is because they imitate the appearance of booklets. If you print it in elegant paper type, the result must be sophisticated.
10. Make the Brochure Stunning
![Brochure Design Template](https://uicreative.s3.ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/23161703/square-trifold-therapist-service.jpg)
Having a stunning brochure is the same important as having the attractive one. You can make an elegant style of it or make it modern. Modern design for your brochure creates a clean and elegant look. Make bold color choices and fill pages with vivid images or incorporate a theme into your design. It is only if you want to create cool brochures. Cool brochures create a stunning display of products by incorporating shapes, maximizing negative space, and using high-quality images. Minimalist designs work really well on interior design brochures, using enticing colors and images will surely make audiences engage. If you want to make a brochure for your restaurant, make sure it makes mouthwatering for anyone who sees it.
After the whole components you have read, what do you think about making your own brochure? It takes a lot of effort and you should compete well with your competitors. Whether you have basic design skills or not, it cannot guarantee you to be the leader in the market. So, to pick up all your worries, it is time to give this effort to a professional. UI Creative is one of them which would help you to get stunning brochures in minutes. We serve various designs to select from. Grab the most appropriate brochure design template in affordable and print it as you desire. Everything is simpler than you ever thought. Bored with your old design template? Change anytime you desire. Save your money to hire a professional. Here we go to the simplest digital era.