Setting Up
Project structure
“name”: “material_tmpl”,
“version”: “0.0.1”,
“private”: true,
“scripts”: {
“android”: “react-native run-android”,
“ios”: “react-native run-ios”,
“start”: “react-native start”,
“test”: “jest”,
“lint”: “eslint .”
“dependencies”: {
“@react-native-community/datetimepicker”: “^2.2.3”,
“react”: “16.9.0”,
“react-native”: “0.61.5”,
“react-native-maps”: “0.26.1”,
“react-native-sound-player”: “^0.10.3”
“devDependencies”: {
“@babel/core”: “^7.7.7”,
“@babel/runtime”: “^7.7.7”,
“@react-native-community/eslint-config”: “^0.0.5”,
“babel-jest”: “^24.9.0”,
“eslint”: “^6.7.2”,
“jest”: “^24.9.0”,
“metro-react-native-babel-preset”: “^0.57.0”,
“react-test-renderer”: “16.9.0”
“jest”: {
“preset”: “react-native”
Props | Description | Default |
size | Diameter of circle | 50 |
thickness | Border width of circle progress | 5 |
bgColor | Default background color of circle progress | ‘gray’ |
progressColor | Color of progress | ‘blue’ |
Swipe drawer menu from left
Props | Description | Required |
menuWidth | Width of drawer menu (default = 300) | No |
renderPage | Page component | Yes |
renderMenuComponent | Menu component | Yes |
style | Additional style for menu container | No |
Props | Description | Required |
size | Outer size of button (default = 57) | No |
style | Additional style for button container | No |
onPress | Function will be executed | Yes |
image | Image source locally | Yes |
imageStyle | Additional style for image | No |
Header component for chatting activity
Props | Description | Required |
navPress | Callback function when button pressed. | Yes |
morePress | Callback function when button pressed. | Yes |
bgColor | Background color of component (default = ‘transparent” | No |
shadow | If shadow under component displayed (default = true) | No |
user | Name of user | No |
lastseen | Last seen information of user | No |
Header component with button navigation and four action buttons (share, edit, delete, more)
Props | Description | Required |
navPress | Callback function when button pressed. | Yes |
sharePress | Callback function when button pressed. | Yes |
editPress | Callback function when button pressed. | Yes |
deletePress | Callback function when button pressed. | Yes |
morePress | Callback function when button pressed. | Yes |
bgColor | Background color of component (default = ‘transparent” | No |
shadow | If shadow under component displayed (default = true) | No |
isHome | If this screen is home screen (not display back navigation, default = false) | No |
title | Title of header | No |
Header component with button navigation and three action buttons.
Props | Description | Required |
navPress | Callback function when button pressed. | Yes |
editPress | Callback function when button pressed. | Yes |
searchPress | Callback function when button pressed. | Yes |
morePress | Callback function when button pressed. | Yes |
bgColor | Background color of component (default = ‘transparent” | No |
shadow | If shadow under component displayed (default = true) | No |
isHome | If this screen is home screen (not display back navigation, default = false) | No |
isEdit | If screen status in editing mode (action button change to save and close, default = false) | No |
title | Title of header | No |
Header component with button navigation and three action buttons.
Props | Description | Required |
navPress | Callback function when button pressed. | Yes |
bgColor | Background color of component (default = ‘transparent” | No |
shadow | If shadow under component displayed (default = true) | No |
isHome | If this screen is home screen (not display back navigation, default = false) | No |
title | Title of header | No |
titleStyle | Additional style for title | No |
Header component for shopping activity screen. Contains three action button search, cart and more. Also can display a count of shopping cart items.
Props | Description | Required |
navPress | Callback function when button pressed. | Yes |
isHome | If this screen is home screen (not display back navigation, default = false) | No |
searchAction | If screen need search action button (default = false) | No |
searchPress | Callback function when button pressed. This props is required when searchAction = true | No |
moreAction | if screen need more action button (default = false) | No |
morePress | Callback function when button pressed. This props is required when moreAction = true | No |
bgColor | Background color of component (default = ‘transparent” | No |
shadow | If shadow under component displayed (default = true) | No |
title | Title of header | No |
numItems | Count of shopping cart items. | No |
Header component with button navigation and two action buttons.
Props | Description | Required |
navPress | Callback function when button pressed. | Yes |
isHome | If this screen is home screen (not display back navigation, default = false) | No |
enableMore | if screen need more action button (default = false) | No |
morePress | Callback function when button pressed. This props is required when enableMore = true | No |
bgColor | Background color of component (default = ‘transparent” | No |
shadow | If shadow under component displayed (default = true) | No |
title | Title of header | No |
Header component with button navigation and more action buttons.
Props | Description | Required |
navPress | Callback function when button pressed. | Yes |
isHome | If this screen is home screen (not display back navigation, default = false) | No |
morePress | Callback function when button pressed. | Yes |
bgColor | Background color of component (default = ‘transparent” | No |
shadow | If shadow under component displayed (default = true) | No |
title | Title of header | No |
Header component with two rows of text, main title and subtitle.
Props | Description | Required |
navPress | Callback function when button pressed. | Yes |
isHome | If this screen is home screen (not display back navigation, default = false) | No |
morePress | Callback function when button pressed. | Yes |
bgColor | Background color of component (default = ‘transparent” | No |
shadow | If shadow under component displayed (default = true) | No |
title | Title of header | No |
subTitle | Detail of header | No |
Props | Description | Required |
source | The image source (remote URL only) | Yes |
imageWidth | The width of image | Yes |
style | Function on button more pressed. | No |
Props | Description | Default |
size | Size of love image | 12 |
space | Space between image | 3 |
rating | Rating value (from 0 to 5) | 0 |
containerStyle | Additional style for container |
Props | Description | Required |
zoomInPress | Callback function when button pressed. | Yes |
zoomOutPress | Callback function when button pressed. | Yes |
myLocationPress | Callback function when button pressed. | Yes |
style | Additional style for container | No |
Props | Description | Required |
buttonPress | Callback function when button pressed. | Yes |
title | Title of button | Yes |
style | Additional style for button | No |
titleStyle | Additional style for title | No |
Props | Description | Required |
title | Description text | Yes |
color | Tint color of text and checkbox (default = ‘black’) | No |
style | Additional style for button | No |
Props | Description | Default |
placeholder | The string that will be rendered before text input has been entered | |
type | Determines keyboard type (‘default’, ‘number-pad’, ‘decimal-pad’, ‘numeric’, ’email-address’, ‘phone-pad’ | ‘default’ |
isPassword | If text is secure or text entered so sensitive like password | false |
margin | The margin of input | 10 |
bgColor | The background color of input | ‘transparent’ |
borderWidth | The border width of input | 0 |
theme | Theme of input (‘light’ or ‘dark’) | ‘light’ |
style | Additional style for input |
Props | Description | Required |
title | Description text | Yes |
color | Tint color of text and checkbox (default = ‘black’) | No |
style | Additional style for button | No |
Like flatlist but not scrollable
Props | Description | Required |
data | Data source in array | Yes |
numColumn | Number column of view (default 1) | No |
renderItem | Render item component | Yes |
containerStyle | Additional style for container | No |
Multipage that able to swipe horizontally like viewpager in android
Props | Description | Required |
data | Data source in array | Yes |
renderItem | Render item component | Yes |
itemWidth | The width of page | Yes |
itemHeight | The width of height | Yes |
containerStyle | Additional style for container | No |
Multipage that able to swipe horizontally like viewpager in android
Props | Description | Required |
headerImage | Source image header (either a remote URL or a local file resource) | No |
renderHeader | Render header component | Yes |
headerColor | Tint color of header | Yes |
contentContainerStyle | Additional style for container | No |
renderFloatingButton | Component for floating button | No |
Props | Description | Default |
sliderSize | Size of the slider | 100 |
trackColor | Default color of horizontal line track | ‘#f1f5f7’ |
trackActiveColor | Color of track in selected range | ‘#ff9800’ |
thumbColor | Tint color of thumb | ‘#ff9800’ |
minValue | Minimum value available in the slider | 0 |
maxValue | Maximum value available in the slider | 100 |
initMinValue | Initial minimal selected value | 10 |
initMaxValue | Initial maximal selected value | 90 |
onChange | Callback function when the value changes | |
contentContainerStyle | Additional style for container |
This component is used for select size of product in ecommerce activity
Props | Description | Required |
style | Additional style for container | No |
Props | Description | Default |
sliderSize | Size of the slider | 100 |
trackColor | Default color of horizontal line track | ‘#f1f5f7’ |
trackActiveColor | Color of track in selected range | ‘#ff9800’ |
thumbTintColor | Tint color of thumb | ‘#ff9800’ |
initValue | Initial selected value | 90 |
onChange | Callback function when the value changes | |
style | Additional style for container |
Like flatlist but height of item is dynamically adjusted by content
Props | Description | Required |
data | Data source in array | Yes |
numColumn | Number column of view (default 1) | No |
renderItem | Render item component | Yes |
containerStyle | Additional style for container | No |
Props | Description | Default |
size | Size of love image | 12 |
space | Space between image | 3 |
rating | Rating value (from 0 to 5) | 0 |
containerStyle | Additional style for container |
Props | Description | Required |
menuWidth | Width of swipe menu (default = 300) | No |
renderPage | Page component | Yes |
renderMenuComponent | Menu component | Yes |
Props | Description | Required |
menuWidth | Width of swipe menu (default = 300) | No |
renderPage | Page component | Yes |
renderMenuComponent | Menu component | Yes |
style | Additional style for menu container | No |
Material tab header with text or icon
Props | Description | Default |
titles | Array of string title | |
icons | Array of source icon locally | |
bgColor | Background color of tabs | ‘#ff5722’ |
stripColor | The color of strip color (indicator selected tab) | ‘white’ |
activeIndex | Initial index of active tab | 0 |
onActiveChanged | Callback function when active tab changes |
Props | Description | Required |
data | Data source in array | Yes |
renderItem | Render item component | Yes |
Props | Description | Required |
size | Size of dot indicator (default = 10) | No |
space | Space between dot indicator (default = 2) | No |
numPages | Number of pages | Yes |
activeIndex | Active index of pages | Yes |
defaultColor | Default tint color of dot indicator | Yes |
activeColor | Active tint color of dot indicator | Yes |
horizontal | If dot indicator arranged in horizontal (default = horizontal) | No |