
10 Ways to Make Your Postcard Marketing Strategy More Successful – Postcard Template

in Inspiration on April 24, 2023

10 Ways to Make Your Postcard Marketing Strategy More Successful – Postcard Template are the way to make your marketing increase significantly! How to do that? Check this out!

1. Set The Goal Before You Create Any Postcard Template

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What is Postcard Marketing? This is  the less expensive marketing strategy toward mail marketing. What are the benefits of postcard?

  • Generate sales leads.
  • Introduce a new product or service.
  • Promote special offers or coupons.
  • Drive traffic to a website.
  • Keep in touch with existing customers.
  • Test several messages and offers.

So, to help you make the direct message inside your postcard, you should know the aim of it first. The goal might be to get existing customers to come back, develop sales leads, or attract new customers to come to your location. Which one is yours?

2. Target the Prospective Clients in Your Postcard Marketing

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Before you make any postcard template , you should notice the audience of the postcard first. So, after you make group of your prospective postcard receiver, you can manage and organize the right color and template for your postcard. It is also great to identity the message language to use. Having the right recipient could avoid you from spending much time and efforts. Sending mail to people who aren’t likely to want or use your product or service wastes the cost of the printed card and stamp.

The address list you have needs to be up to date and have only real valid addresses. Make sure to remove any invalid addresses, and update your list as people often move location. How you do this will depend on your list provider. The biggest variable in successful vs unsuccessful direct mail campaigns is making sure your list is only targeting the people in your list most likely to purchase.

Receivers would curious and open your postcard only if you put something interesting at first. How to make it? Read the next step below.

3. Insert Call to Action

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Make sure your prospective clients know what they have to do later after they get your message. Therefore, you need to put the efficient Call to Action inside your message. It will be better if you put it in the end of your message, so they will directly doing your call. For example “grab this product now!” or you also could ask them to reedem their voucher you give in postcard. Use the clear instruction, so they will not trash your mail.

Keep it short and punchy, you can use this multiple times on the card to reinforce the action.

4. Send Postcard Marketing Regularly

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Have you ever heard that more possibilities will come to them who keep trying? So, do not give up and keep to send postcard regularly. Consistent repetitive mailings are exceedingly more effective than a one-time, shot-in-the-dark mailing. When someone sees your company name over and over again, it builds credibility and familiarity. Even it may take a number of contacts with a customer before it leads to a sale, the eventual increase in the small cost. Keep your brand in their mind, but you do not have to send only the same message. Combine it with another information or event, so that your prospective clients would looking forward for your next postcard.

5. Personable Postcard

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It is true when you will get more replies after you use your name in the postcard. Comparing using formal and professional look. this way is better to build communication and connection. Do not make clients feel worry on your message after they have just seen the sender. Imagine if it is you who get the message. You must be thinking about promotion and spending money only. Compare it to personal sender. You will curious to open and feel if it is the real human.

Personalizing each postcard is an insanely effective way to guarantee attention and increase the effectiveness of your campaign. When people see their name in big bold letters on a postcard, they are more likely to pay attention as it feels more personal and special. To help you gain more attention from receivers, you can ask them to fill their general personal information. So, when it comes to their birthday, you can send them birthday coupon or something which showed that you care with them.

6. Send It Step By Step

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You don’t have to send it in hurry. All you have to do is paying attention on the step by step to get the right and effective marketing by postcard. Sometimes you have to be patient and recognize the day and the time before you send. Pay attention also to postcard dates of arrival. Monday, Friday and holiday-time arrivals. Professionals have been proven that those are to  be less effective; Tuesday and Wednesday arrivals get the best results because the volume of mail is generally lighter. Postcard Marketing is really have to be cautious.

Every postcard should include an offer that acts as a bait to encourage your receivers to take action. Put yourself in the customers shoes, and ask yourself what offer would actually get your attention enough to take action.

7. Don’t Only Use it To Sell

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Believe it or not, people will leave something related to sell and keep to sell. They feel bored especially if you offer any products in wrong time. To have a close deal, you do not have to do it like in the real market which is there are some items in price tag and people pick them and pay. In mail and digital world, you really have to keep engagement with prospective clients. Like you raise a baby, make sure you treat them well. For example you give them some important information which really helpful for them. Ask their need and try to give the solution. Later, after you already build the good communication and connection, make the sales point toward them. It will give you more changes and possibility to get the direct deal comparing to ask them to buy in ths first time you send a postcard.

8. Don’t Miss Headline and Image In Your Postcard Template

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This digital world has wider audience. They cannot see the real products that you offered, but they only can see them by their picture. Therefore, having high quality images is important. In addition, you have to know the right headline to make clients read your postcard. Just like how you read news or story, you will see the headline first. Once it is attractive, you will continue to read it. Therefore, media usually will have a WOW headline just to collect more audience.

Make sure the image you use is crisp and clear, with popping colors which will stand out. It is because you need it to blend well with some colors on postcard. Contrast is need!

9. Keep It Simple Even It is the Postcard Marketing

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Your postcard will probably seen one to two-second initial glance, so don’t weigh down your chances of success with clever dissertations, jargon, or a laundry list of everything you offer. Use short complete sentences with well-chosen plain language and bullet points that will get the attention of the reader. Promote no more than one key thing per card. When you put more than one aim in it, it will break receivers focus and leave your postcard in the end. You’re customers should be able to glance over the mail to get a good idea of what you’re offer is without second guessing and requiring them to read the rest of the card. If you get a message in your working hour, what would you do? Your prospective clients may feel bad too. Therefore, don’t play guessing game to them.

10. Put The Contact Information

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It seems like the last step to do but honestly this is the most important aspect to put in your postcard marketing. To make it efficient, make a head space on the top and fill it with your brand logo, contact information, and more. Do not insert it more than once. It just make the postcard looks messy and confusing especially if receivers read it in their mobile. Make sure your branding is clear because physical post is one of the most effective mediums to generate memorable brand awareness.

It is time for you to make your own interesting template or you can have the suitable postcard template from UI Creative. Make sure you get the most connected to your brand. However, the better way is when you change it regularly as the fresh look of your postcard. There are many options to choose even for your future stock. Now, you do not have to spend much time in designing, but just stay focus on creating fabulous message and headline.